Thursday, October 25, 2012


Tugas :
1.      Jelaskan Bentuk system Komunikasi data
2.      Temukan / identifikasikan 3 hal yg berkontribusi dari sejarah komunikasi data

1.      Bentuk Sistem Komunikasi Data

Suatu sistem komunikasi data dapat berbentuk offline communication system atau online communication system. Sistem komunikasi data dapat dimulai dengan sistem yang sederhana, seperti misalnya jaringan akses terminal, yaitu jaringan yang memungkinkan seorang operator mendapatkan akses ke fasilitas yang tersedia dalam jaringan tersebut. Operator bisa mengakses komputer guna memperoleh fasilitas, misalnya menjalankan program aplikasi, mengakses database, dan melakukan komunikasi dengan operator lain. Dalam lingkungan ideal, semua fasilitas ini harus tampak seakan-akan dalam terminalnya, walaupun sesungguhnya secara fisik berada pada lokasi yang terpisah.

Off-Line Communication System
Suatu bentuk sistem komunikasi data yang sederhana dapat berbentuk off-line communcation system, yaitu data yang ditransmisikan tidak langsung diproses oleh CPU penerima.
Offline communication system adalah suatu sistem pengiriman data melalui fasilitas telekomunikasi dari satu lokasi ke pusat pengolahan data, tetapi data yang dikirim tidak langsung diproses oleh CPU (Central Processing Unit). Di mana data yang akan diproses dibaca oleh terminal, kemudian dengan menggunakan modem, data tersebut dikirim melalui telekomunikasi. Di tempat tujuan data diterima juga oleh modem, kemudian oleh terminal, data disimpan ke alamat perekam seperti pada disket, magnetic tape, dan lainlain. Dari alat perekam data ini, nantinya dapat diproses oleh komputer.
Peralatan-peralatan yang diperlukan dalam offline communication system, antara lain :
  1. Terminal. Terminal adalah suatu I/O device yang digunakan untuk mengirim data dan menerima data jarak jauh dengan menggunakan fasilitas telekomunikasi. Peralatan terminal ini bermacam macam, seperti magnetic tape unit, disk drive, paper tape, dan lain-lain.
  2. Jalur komunikasi. Jalur komunikasi adalah fasilitas telekomunikasi yang sering digunakan, seperti : telepon, telegraf, telex, dan dapat juga dengan fasilitas lainnya.
  3. Modem. Modem adalah singkatan dari Modulator / Demodulator. Suatu alat yang mengalihkan data dari sistem kode digital ke dalam sistem kode analog dan sebaliknya.

On-Line Communication System
Suatu on-line communcation system data yang dikirimkan akan langsung diterima oleh komputer pusat unutk diolah. On-line communication system dapat berbentuk remote job ntry(RJE) system, realtime system, time sharing system, atau distributed data processing system.
Remote Job Entry System
Data yang dikirimkan dikumpulkan terlebih dahulu dan secara bersama-sama dikirimkan ke komputer pusat untuk diolah. Karena data dikumpulkan (batch) terlebih dahulu dalam suatu periode, cara pengolahan sistem ini disebut dengan batch processing system. Hasil dari pengolahan data umumnya ada di komputer pusat dan tidak dapat langsung seketika dihasilkan, karena komputer pusat harus sekaligus mengolah sekumpulan data yang cukup besar.
Realtime System
Suatu realtime system memungkinkan untuk mengirimkan data kepusat komputer, diolah di pusat komputer seketika pada saat data diterima dan mengirimkan kembali hasil pengolahan ke pengorom data saat itu juga. American Airlines merupakan perusahaan yang pertama kali melopori sistem ini. Dengan realtime system, penumpang pesawat terbang dari suatu bandara atau agen yang tertentu dapat memesan tiket untuk suatu nomor penerbangan tertentu dan mendapatkan hasilnya kurang dari 15 detik.
Time Sharing System
Time sharing system merupakan nenerapa pemakaia m=komputer (multi user) nersama-sama menggunakan komputer dan komputer akan  membagi waktunya bergantian untuk tiap-tiap pemakai. Karena perkembangan proses CPU yang semakin cepat, sedangkan lat input-ouput tidak dapat mengimabgni kecepatan dari CPU, maka kecepatan dari CPU dapat digunakan secara efisien dengan menlayani beberapa alat I/O bergantian. Christopher Strachy pada tahun 1959 teleh memeberikan ide mengenai pembagian waktu yang dilakukan oleh CPU. Dan baru pada tahun 1961 pertama kali sistem aygn betul-betul berbentuk time sharing system dilakukan oleh MIT (Messachusetts Institute of Technology) dan diberi nama CTSS (Compatibel Time-Sharing System) yang dapat melayani sebanyak 8 user dengan menggunakan komputer IBM 7090.
Tiap user dilayani oleh komputer bergilian dalam waktu yang sangat cepat (time slice atau quantum), sehingga tiap-tiap pemakai komputer tidak merasa bahwa komputer melayani beberapa pemakai sekaligus bergiliran. Sejumlah perusahaan di AS membuka bio jasa (Service Bereaus) untuk pelayana time sharing system ini. Penyewa dapat menggunakan terminal atau komputer personal tempat masing-masing dan denga menggunakan jalur telekomunikasi dapat dihubungkan ke pusat komputer.

Distributed Data Processing System
Distributed data processing (DDP) system merupakan bentuk yang sering digunakan sekarang sebagai perkembangan dari time sharing system. Bila beberpa sistem komputer yang independen terbesar yang masing-masing dapat mengolah data sendiri dan dihubungkan denga jaringan (network) telekomunikasi, istilah time sharing sudah tidak tepat lagi, tetapi merupakan DDP system, DDP system dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu sistem komputer interaktip yang terpencar secara geografi dan dihubungkan dengan jalur telekomunikasi dan masing-masing komputer mampu mengolah data secara indenpenden dan mampu berhubungan dengan komputer yang lainnya dalam sutau sistem.
Masing-masing loksi menggunakan komputer yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan komputer pusat dan mempunyai  simpana laur tersendiri dan dapt melakukan pengolahan data tersendiri. Pekerjaan yang terlalu besar yang tidak dapat diolah di tempat sendiri maka data dapat ditransmisikan dan dapat diolah di komputer yang lebih besar atau bila data tidak tersedia di tempat sendiri, dapat diambilkan dari komputer pusat.
Distributed data processing (DDP) system merupakan bentuk yang sering digunakan sekarang sebagai perkembangan dari time sharing system. Bila beberapa sistem komputer yang bebas tersebar yang masing-masing dapat memproses data sendiri dan dihubungkan dengan jaringan telekomunikasi, maka istilah time sharing sudah tidak tepat lagi. DDP system dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu sistem komputer interaktif yang terpencar secara geografis dan dihubungkan dengan jalur telekomunikasi dan seitap komputer mampu memproses data secara mandiri dan mempunyai kemampuan berhubungan dengan komputer lain dalam suatu sistem.

Contoh nyata DDP System:
Contoh pengolahan data pada server yahoo yang tersebar hampir di seluruh dunia secara distribusi,setiap wilayah mempunyai server masing-masing.seperti di indonesia mempunyai server tersendiri sehingga pengolahan data tidak di pusat melainkan di wilayah masing-masing.

Jogiyanto.Pengenalan Komputer.1995.Andi Offset:Yogyakarta.

Hal yang berkontribusi dari sejarah komunikasi data :

1.      Teknologi telekomunikasi (dari  telegraf sampai satelit)
2.      Teknologi computer
3.      Regulasi
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A.    Background Issues
 The quality of education in Indonesia is very alarming. This is evidenced by the data include UNESCO (2000) ranked on the Human Development Index (Human Development Index), the composition of the ranks of educational achievement, health, and income showed that Indonesia's human development index decline. Among the 174 countries in the world, Indonesia ranks 102 (1996), 99th (1997), the 105 (1998), and all 109 (1999).
According to the survey of Political and Economic Risk Consultant (PERC), the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12th out of 12 countries in Asia. The position of Indonesia is under Vietnam. Data reported The World Economic Forum Sweden (2000), Indonesia has a low competitiveness, which ranks only 37th out of 57 countries surveyed in the world. And yet according to a survey by the same institution predicated Indonesia as a follower and not just as a technology leader of the 53 countries in the world. Entering the 21st century education in Indonesia to be a lot of stories that are caused by the greatness of the quality of national education but a lot more awareness of the dangers caused by the backwardness of education in Indonesia. Freshly This is because some of the basics. One is entering the 21st century wave of globalization is felt strong and open. Progress technology and changes provide new realization that Indonesia no longer stand alone. Indonesia is in the midst of a new world, the world is open so that people are free to compare life in another country. What we feel now is the lag in the quality of education. Both formal and informal education. And the results were obtained when we compare it with other countries. Education has become the support in improving Indonesia's human resources for nation building. Therefore, we should be able to increase human resources in Indonesia who do not compete with human resources in other countries.
Once we observe, it is clear that serious problems in the quality of education in Indonesia is the low quality of education at all levels of education, both formal and informal education. And that's what led to the low quality of education hampers human family resources with the expertise and skills to meet the nation's development in various fields. Low quality of education in Indonesia was also shown Data Research and Development (2003) that of the 146,052 primary school in Indonesia was only eight schools are gained worldwide recognition in the category of The Primary Years Programme (PYP). Of 20,918 junior high schools in Indonesia was also only eight schools that gained worldwide recognition in the category of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and from the 8036 high school was only seven schools are gained worldwide recognition in the category of the Diploma Programme (DP). The cause of the low quality of education in Indonesia, among others, is a matter of effectiveness, efficiency and standardization of teaching. It is still a problem of education in Indonesia in general. The specific problems in education are:
(1). Lack of physical facilities,
(2). The low quality of teachers,
(3). The low welfare of teachers,
(4). The low student achievement,
(5). Lack of education equity opportunities,
(6). The low relevance of  education to the needs,
 (7). The high cost of education.
The problems mentioned above will be the discussion of a paper titled "Low Quality Education in Indonesia".

B.    Problem Formulation
 1. How do the characteristics of education in Indonesia?
2. How is the quality of education in Indonesia?
3. What are the causes of low quality of education in Indonesia?
4. How the solutions can be given of the problems of education in Indonesia?

C. Purpose
1. Describe the characteristics of education in Indonesia.
2. Describe the quality of education in Indonesia.
3. Describe the things that cause low quality of education in Indonesia.
4. Describe the solutions can be given of the problems of education in Indonesia.

D. Benefits of Writing
1. For the Government: Can be used as a contribution to improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
2. For Teachers: Can be used as a reference in teaching so that the learners can perform better in the future.
3. For Students: Can be used as study material to learn in order to improve the performance of self in        particular and improve the quality of education in general.


A. Characteristics of Education in Indonesia
                       How to carry out education in Indonesia is certainly not independent of the purpose of education in Indonesia, because Indonesia's education is the education here is conducted on Indonesian soil for the benefit of Indonesia. Aspects of divinity have been developed in many ways, such as through education-religious education in school and college, through lectures religion in society, through religious life in the dorms, through the pulpit of religion and divinity in television, radio, newspapers and so on. The ingredients are absorbed through the media that will integrate the spiritual student / student. Developing minds are mostly done in schools or colleges through field studies they are learning. The minds of students / students honed through solving problems, solving problems, analyze and summarize something.
B. Quality Education in Indonesia

            As we know, the quality of education in Indonesia is getting worse. This is evident from the quality of teachers, learning tools, and students. Teachers tentuya latent hope that they can not convey to their students. Indeed, the current lack of competent teachers. Many people who become teachers because it is not accepted in other majors or lack of funds. Except for the old teacher who has long dedicated itself to become a teacher. In addition to the student teaching experience, they have experience in the subject they teach. Not to mention the issue of teachers' salaries. If this phenomenon is allowed to proceed, would soon be destroyed education in Indonesia because many experienced teachers are retiring. Means were also learning to be a factor in the decline of Indonesian education, especially for people in underdeveloped regions. However, for the people in backward regions, the most important is an applied science that is used for living and working. There are many problems that cause normally they do not learn like most students in general, among others, teachers and schools. "Education is the government's responsibility entirely," said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono after a cabinet meeting at the Ministry of Education Building, Jl Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (03/12/2007). The President explained several steps to be taken by the government in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, among others:
• The first step to be taken by the government, namely to improve access to the public to enjoy education in
        Indonesia. Reject the measuring of enrollment.
        • The second step, eliminating the inequality in access to education, such as inequality in the villages and towns, as well as gender.
        • The third step, improving the quality of education by improving the qualifications of teachers and
        lecturers, as well as increasing the average value of passing the national exam.
        • The fourth step, the government will increase the number of types of education in the field of vocational
        competence or professional school. To prepare personnel ready required.
        • The fifth step, the government plans to build infrastructure such as increasing the number of computers
        and libraries in schools.
        • The sixth step, the government also increased the education budget. For this year's budgeted Rp 44trillion.
• The seventh step, is the use of information technology in education applications.
• The final step, the financing for the poor to be able to enjoy education.

C.    Causes of Low Quality of Education in Indonesia
Below are described some of the low quality of education in Indonesia in general, namely:
1.      Effectiveness of Education in Indonesia
                     Effective education is an education that enables students to learn with ease, fun and achievable goals as expected. Thus, educators (lecturers, teachers, instructors, and trainers) are required to improve the effectiveness of learning so that the learning can be useful. Effectiveness of education in Indonesia is very low. After doing research and educational practitioners to the field survey, one reason is the absence of a clear educational purpose before learning activities undertaken. This led to the learners and educators do not know the "goal" of what will be produced so as not to have a clear picture in the educational process. Clearly this is an important issue if we want effective teaching. How could the goal will be achieved if we do not know what our goals.
                        During this time, many considered the opinion that formal education is rated only a formality to establish human resources in Indonesia. No matter how formal learning outcomes, the most important thing in education is already implementing a high level and can be considered great by the community. Such assumption, too, who led the effectiveness of teaching in Indonesia is very low. Every person has the advantage in their respective fields and are expected to take appropriate education talents and interests not only to be great by others. Education in secondary schools, for example, someone who has the advantage in social and forced to follow the program of study will result in effective science teaching lower than students who follow courses that suit their talents and interests. Things are a case that is a lot going on in Indonesia. And unfortunately prestige issue no less important in the low effectiveness of education in Indonesia.
2.      Teaching Efficiency in Indonesia
                      Efficient is how to generate the effectiveness of a goal with a process that is more 'cheap'. In the educational process would be much better if we take into account to obtain good results without forgetting the good anyway. These things, too, who are less if we see education in Indonesia. We did not consider the process, just how to achieve an agreed outcome standards. Some issues in the teaching efficiency in indonesia the high cost of education, time spent in the educational process, quality teacher and many other things that cause inefficiency of the educational process in Indonesia. Which also affects the human resource better Indonesia. Problems expensive cost of education in Indonesia it is common knowledge to us. Actually the price of education in Indonesia is relatively more low if we compare with other countries that do not take system free education cost. But why do we think of education in Indonesia is quite expensive? It pointed out that we are not here if income is high enough and the people of Indonesia for a fee commensurate education. If we talk about the cost of education, we are not just talking quietly tuition, training, courses or formal or informal education institutions selected other, but we also talked about supporting property such as books, and talk about the cost of transport to be taken to reach the institute teaching that we choose. In primary schools, it is true if it is imposed fee waiver teaching, however learners not only that, the other requirement is teaching textbooks, stationery, uniforms and so that when we survey, it is required by educators relevant. That surprise again, there are educators who require tutoring to the student participants, who paid for the course with these educators. Besides the issue of high cost of education in Indonesia, the other issue is time teaching. With a field survey, we can see that the face-to-face education in Indonesia is relatively longer than other countries. In formal education in secondary schools, for example, there are schools that teaching daily schedule begins at 07.00 and ends up at 16.00 .. This is clearly inefficient, because when we observe again, learners who attend formal education process that spend a lot of time, a lot of students who attend institutions of informal education such as academic tutoring, language, and so on. Obviously also seen, that the long process of education is ineffective as well, because the students ended up following informal education to complement the formal education which was considered lacking.
                        In addition, another problem teaching efficiency we will discuss is the quality of teachers. Lack of quality teachers also likely to cause less of students achieving the expected results and end up taking additional education also need more money. What we see, due to the lack of quality teachers teaching teachers not on competence. For example, a teacher has a basic education in the fields of language, but in teaching skills, rather than the actual competence. These are really happens when we look at the state of education in the field actually. Another thing is educators teaching materials can not communicate well, so it is easy to understand and make interested learners. Good education system also plays an important role in improving the efficiency of education in Indonesia. It is unfortunate that our education system is also changing so confusing educators and learners. In recent years, we use the 1994 curriculum education system, curriculum, 2004, competency-based curriculum teaching process modifiers into the educational process is active, the other to the new curriculum. When changing the curriculum, we also change the way education teachers, and teachers must be trained beforehand which also adds to the cost of tuition fees. So it is very unfortunate if too often curricula are considered less change effectively and immediately replace them with a curriculum that is more efficient. The concept of efficiency will result if the desired output can be generated optimally with only a relatively fixed input, or if the minimum input can produce optimal output. The concept of efficiency itself consists of technological efficiency and economic efficiency. Technological efficiency applied in achieving the physical quantity of output in accordance with a predefined outcome measures. While economic efficiency is created if the size or price satisfaction scores have been applied to the output. The concept of efficiency has always been associated with effectiveness. Effectiveness is part of the concept of efficiency due to the level of effectiveness is closely related to the achievement of objectives relative to its price. When linked with the world of education, it is an efficient educational programs tend to be marked with a pattern of spread and resource utilization -education resource that has been laid out efficiently. Efficient education program is a program that is able to create a balance between supply and demand for educational resources so that efforts to achieve goals not have problems.
        3.   Standardization of Education in Indonesia
                     If we want to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, we also talked about the standardization of teaching that we take. Of course, after going through the process to determine the standards that will be taken. The world of education continues change. Competencies be require by the constantly changing especially in the open world that is, in the modern world of globalization ere. Competencies that must be owned by someone in the educational institutions must meet the standards. As we see today, standards and competence in formal and informal education avid visible only to standards and competencies. The quality of education is measured by the standards and competencies in a variety of versions, as well as that established new entities to implement standardization and competence as the National Education Standardization Agency (BSNP). Review of the standardization and competence to improve the quality of education eventually led us to the dangers of hidden disclosure the possibility of education by the standards of competence alone bridled so that lose meaning and purpose of education. Indonesia Learners sometimes just thinking about how to achieve educational standards, not how to take effective education and can be used. No matter how in order to obtain results or, more specifically, the values ​​obtained, which is paramount meet the above standard values ​​only. Things like the above is very unfortunate because it means the loss of the meaning of education as just being too leading competency standards. It was definitely one of the low quality of education in Indonesia. Also, it would be better if we were questioning whether the standard of education in Indonesia is appropriate or not. In the case of UAN is almost always a controversy example. We assessed the evaluation system as UAN is good enough, but we regret is that such educational evaluation that determines whether or not graduate students attend the program, only held once without seeing the process be passed learners who have take educational process for several years. Besides take place only once, such an evaluation only evaluates three areas of study without evaluating other areas of study that have been followed by learners. Many other things also that we can actually discuss in the discussion standardization teaching in Indonesia. Also problems in it, which is certainly more numerous, and require deeper research. The cause of the low quality of education in Indonesia is also necessarily limited no which we discussed above. Many things that cause the low quality of our education. Surely such a thing could we find if we dig deeper into the root of the problem. And hopefully if we know root of the problem, we can improve the quality of education in Indonesia so now significantly better. In addition to some of the low quality of education in the above, the following will be presented also in particular some of the problems that lead to poor quality of education in Indonesia.
1.         Low Quality of Physical Facilities
                             For the infrastructure, for example, many schools and colleges damaged our building, ownership and use of low learning media, library books are not complete. While not a standard laboratory, inadequate use of information technology and so on. In fact there are many schools that do not have their own building, has no library, no laboratories, and so on. Data Balitbang Ministry of Education (2003) mentions for SD units are institutions that accommodate 146,052 25,918,898 865,258 students and has classroom. Of all classrooms as much as 364,440 or 42.12% in good condition, 299,581 or 34.62% suffered minor damage and 201,237 or 23.26% as severely damaged. If the condition of MI calculated damage rate is higher because of the condition MI worse than SD in general. This situation also occurs in the SMP, MTs, SMA, MA, and SMK although the percentages are not the same.
      2.     Low Quality Teachers
                             The situation of teachers in Indonesia is also very apprehensive. Most teachers do not have sufficient professionalism to carry out their duties as defined in article 39 of Law No. 20/2003 that the learning plan, implement learning, assessing learning outcomes, coaching, training, research and public service. Feasibility of teaching was clearly associated with the level of teacher education itself. Data Balitbang Ministry of Education (1998) showed from about 1.2 million elementary school teachers / MI only 13.8% in the D2-education diploma Education upward. In addition, around 680,000 teachers from junior high / new MTs 38.8% were educated diploma Education D3-up. At the high school level, of the 337,503 teachers, 57.8% had a new education S1 upwards. At the higher education level, from 181 544 lecturers, only 18.86% were educated up S2 (3.48% educated S3). Although teachers and teachers are not the only determinants of educational success, however, teaching is the central point of education and qualification, as a mirror quality teachers contributed very big on quality of education which they are responsible. Quality of teachers and low teacher also influenced by low levels of teacher welfare.
      3.     Lack of Teachers Welfare
                             The low welfare of teachers have a role in making the low quality of education in Indonesia. Based on a survey FGII (Indonesian Independent Teachers Federation) in mid-2005, ideally a teacher receives a monthly salary of Rp 3 million as big as. Now, the average income per month civil servant of Rp 1.5 million. USD assistant teachers, 460 thousand, and part-time teachers in private schools on average Rp 10 thousand per hour. With earnings like that, frankly, many teachers are forced to do the job. There are teaching again at another school, tutor in the afternoon, a motorcycle taxi drivers, merchants boiled noodles, booksellers / LKS, pulses traders phones, etc. (Reuters, July 13, 2005). With the Law on Teachers and Lecturers, perhaps the welfare of teachers and lecturers (PNS) is somewhat tolerable. Article 10 of the Act was to guarantee the feasibility of life. In the article it mentioned teachers and lecturers will receive an appropriate and adequate income, include basic salary, allowances attached to the salary, allowance, and / or special allowances and other income related to the job. They were appointed local government / district government for special areas are also entitled to home office. However, the gap of private and public welfare of teachers is another problem that arises. In the private education, welfare issues are still difficult to achieve an ideal level. Reported Mind January 9, 2006, as many as 70 percent of the 403 private universities in West Java and Banten not able to adjust the welfare of teachers in accordance with the mandate of the Law on Teachers and Lecturers (Mind January 9, 2006).

      4.     Low Student Achievement
                             In such circumstances (lack of physical facilities, teacher quality, and teacher's welfare) student achievement becomes unsatisfactory. For example, physics and mathematics achievement in the international students' Indonesia is very low. According to the Trends in Mathematic and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 (2004), students Indonesia ranks only 35th out of 44 countries in math achievement and ranks 37th out of 44 countries in terms of science achievement. In this case our students' achievement of students far below Malaysia and Singapore as the nearest neighbors. In terms of achievements, 15 September 2004 for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has also announced the results of the study of human qualities simultaneously around the world through its report titled Human Development Report 2004. In the annual report, Indonesia is only occupied the 111th position out of 177 countries. When compared with neighboring countries, the position of Indonesia is far below. On an international scale, according to the World Bank Report (Greaney, 1992), studies IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) in East Asia shows that reading skills fourth grade students are at the lowest rank. Average reading test scores for elementary school students: 75.5 (Hong Kong), 74.0 (Singapore), 65.1 (Thailand), 52.6 (Philippines), and 51.7 (Indonesia). Children Indonesia was only able to control 30% of the material, and it turns out they are very difficult to answer the questions in the form descriptions that require reasoning. This is probably because they are so used to memorizing and doing multiple choice questions. In addition, the results of The Third International Mathematic and Science Study-Repeat-TIMSS-R, 1999 (IEA, 1999) showed that, among the 38 participating countries, junior high student achievement grade 2 Indonesia is on the order-32 to IPA, the 34 for Mathematics. In the world of higher education by the magazine Asia Week of 77 universities surveyed in the Asia Pacific turned out four of the best universities in Indonesia is only able to rank 61st, 68th, 73rd and the 75th.
      5.     Lack of Equitable Educational Opportunities
                             Educational opportunities are still limited to the elementary school level. Data Research and Development Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs Ministry Directorate General Binbaga in 2000 shows Net enrollment (NER) for primary school age children in 1999 reached 94.4% (28.3 million students). APM Achieving this high category. Net enrollment in junior secondary education is still low at 54, 8% (9.4 million students). Meanwhile, early childhood education services is still very limited. Failure coaching at a young age will certainly will impede the development of human resources as a whole. Therefore we need educational equity policies and strategies appropriate to address these inequalities.
      6.     Relevance Low In Education Needs
                             It can be seen from the number of unemployed graduates. Data BAPPENAS (1996) collected since 1990 show the unemployment rate faced by high school graduates at 25.47%, 27.5% and Diploma/S0 PT at 36.6%, while in the same period employment growth is quite higher for each level of education is 13.4%, 14.21%, and 15.07%. According to data from Ministry Balitbang 1999, each year approximately 3 million children out of school and do not have the life skills that lead to employment problems of its own. There is inconsistency between educational outcomes and the needs of the world of work is due to a curriculum that is materially less functional the required skills as students enter the workforce.
      7.     The high cost of education
                             Quality education is expensive. The phrase often appears to justify the high costs associated with the public to get an education. The high cost of education from Kindergarten (TK) to Higher Education (PT) makes the poor have no choice but to not go to school. The poor should not be school. The more expensive cost of education today is not separated from government policy to implement SBM (School Based Management). SBM in Indonesia in reality better understood as an effort to mobilize funds. Therefore, the School Committee / Board of Education which is the organ MBS always required the element of entrepreneurs. The assumption, employers have access to a wider capital. As a result, after the School Committee is formed, any levy money is always under the guise of, "according to the decision of the School Committee." However, at the level of implementation, it is not transparent, because the elected officials and members of the School Committee are the people close to the Principal. As a result, the School Committee policy only became legitimator Principal and MBS was just a disclaimer legitimacy of the state on the issue of education of its people.
                             This condition will be worse with the Bill on Legal Education (Bill BHP). Changing the status of a public education to a form of legal entity has obvious economic and political consequences enormous. With the change of status, the government can easily throw the responsibility for the education of its citizens to the owners of legal entities that figure is not clear. State University was turned into a State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN). The emergence BHMN and MBS are some examples of the controversial education policies. BHMN own impact on the soaring cost of university education in some favorites. Privatization or weakening the state's role in public service was not free from the pressure of debt and policies to ensure debt repayment. Indonesia's foreign debt amounted to 35-40 percent of the state budget every year is a driving factor of privatization of education. As a result, sectors such as education funding absorbing a victim. Education funds cut down to 8 percent (Kompas, 10/5/2005). From 2005 only 5.82% budget allocated to education. Compare that with the funds to pay the debt that is draining 25% of spending in the state budget ( The government plans to privatize education legitimized through a number of regulations, such as the Law on National Education System, Draft Legal Education, Draft Government Regulation (RPP) of the Elementary and Secondary Education, and RPP on Compulsory Education. Strengthening the privatization of education, for example, is seen in Article 53 (1) of Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System (Education). In the article mentioned, the organizers and / or formal education units established by the Government or the people incorporated education. Just like companies, schools exempt seeking capital to be invested in education operations. Coordinator of the NGO Education Network for Justice (ENJ), Yanti Mukhtar (Reuters, 5/10/2005) considers that the privatization of education means the government has legitimized the commercialization of education by handing over the responsibility of providing education to the market. That way, the school will have the autonomy to determine their own cost of providing education. School course will set a maximum cost to improve and maintain quality. As a result, access to people who are less able to enjoy a quality education will be limited and increasingly fragmented society based on social status, between rich and poor. The same thing is spoken Revrisond Bawsir economists. According to him, the privatization of education is on the agenda of global capitalism that has been designed for a long time by the donor countries through the World Bank. Through the draft Law Legal Education (Bill BHP), the government plans to privatize education. All educational unit would become legal education (BHP) is required to seek its own funds. This applies to all public schools, from elementary to college.
                             For certain people, some state universities are now changing the status of a State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN) was a scourge. If the reason is that the quality of education that need to be expensive, so this argument is only valid in Indonesia. In Germany, France, the Netherlands and in several other developing countries, many colleges that quality yet low-cost education. In fact there are some countries that eliminate the cost of education. Quality education does not have cheap, or rather, do not be cheap or free. But the question of who should pay for it? Fact that the government is obliged to guarantee all citizens access to education and ensure public access down to get a quality education. However, the fact that the government actually wanted to argue from responsibility. Though limited funds can not be used as an excuse for the Government to 'wash their hands'.
D.     Solution of Issues Education in Indonesia
                 To solve the above problems, in general there are two solutions that can be given as follows: First, systemic solutions, ie solutions with changing social systems related to the education system. As we all know the education system is closely linked to the economic system that is applied. The education system in Indonesia today, applied in the context of the economic system of capitalism (neoliberalism schools), a principled include minimizing the role and responsibilities of the state in public affairs, including education funding. Thus, the solution to the problems that exist, especially regarding the subject-such as low financing infrastructure, the welfare of teachers, and the high cost of education requires well-meaning changes in the existing economic system. It would be less effective we apply a system of Islamic education in an atmosphere of ruthless capitalist economic system. So the current capitalist system shall be stopped and replaced with the Islamic economic system which outlines that the government was going to bear all state education funding.
                 Second, technical solutions, ie solutions regarding technical matters directly related to education. This solution is for example to resolve the issue of teacher quality and student achievement. Thus, solutions to technical problems returned to practical efforts to improve the quality of the education system. The low quality of teachers, for example, in addition to be a solution to improve the welfare, are also given a solution to fund the teachers continue to pursue higher education, and provides a variety of training to improve teacher quality. The low student achievement, for example, given a solution to improve the quality and quantity of learning materials, improve teaching aids and education facilities, and so on.


A.    Conclusion
                    The quality of education in Indonesia is still very low when compared with the quality of education in other countries. Things that become the main cause is the effectiveness, efficiency, and standardization of education is still lacking optimized. Other problems are the cause, namely:
(1). Lack of physical facilities,
(2). The low quality of teachers,
(3). The low welfare of teachers,
(4). The low student achievement,
(5). Lack of education equity opportunities,
(6). The low relevance of education to the needs,
(7). The high cost of education.
The solutions can be given of the problems above, among others by changing social systems related to the education system, and improve teacher quality and student achievement.
B.    Suggestion
                    Developments in a globalized world is demanding change to a system of national education, and better able to compete fairly in all fields. One way that should be done to avoid increasing the nation behind Indonesia with other countries is to improve the quality of education first.
With the increase in the quality of education means that human resources will be born and the better the quality will be able to bring this nation to compete fairly in all areas in the world.

Pidarta, Prof. Dr. Made. , 2004. Education Management Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Rineka Notices.
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